The city of Los Altos, in partnership with GreenTown Los Altos and the Electric Automobile Association of Silicon Valley, is hosting "Destination Electric”—a Los Altos electric vehicle (EV) showcase on Saturday, June 3, from 10 AM–2 PM at the Los Altos Community Center parking lot. This event is free and open to all community members.
EV Rebate & Incentives Resources
EV Research Shopping Assistance
The Electric Vehicle (EV) Showcase will include display vehicles and e-bikes, and the opportunity to talk to EV owners about their experience. The following electric vehicles will be on display:
Additionally, representatives from 10+ organizations will be on site, with information about EV charging, financial incentives and rebates, e-bikes, home electrification, and related sustainability initiatives. Organizations include:
GreenTown Los Altos
Electric Automobile Association of Silicon Valley
Breathe California
Acterra GoEV
Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE)
Bicycle Outfitter
EVCharger Expert
Los Altos High School PTSA Sustainability Committee
City of Los Altos Environmental Commission
Splitvolt, Inc.
Volvo of Palo Alto
Limited parking is available at the Los Altos Civic Center complex: carpooling or bike riding to the event is encouraged.
EV Rebate & Incentives Resources
EV Research Shopping Assistance
For more information, including a complete listing of vehicles and information booths, visit losaltosca.gov/DestinationElectric.