Los Altos High School honored with prestigious Green Ribbon School award
Congratulations to Los Altos High School (LAHS) for receiving the 2021 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School award. The school is one of only forty schools in the nation and the only public school in the Bay Area to receive the high honor.
To become an honoree, LAHS had to demonstrate sustained and measurable efforts to reduce environmental impacts and to provide effective sustainability education among other things. Click here to read the full submission, and here to read the press release. The school’s accomplishments read like a long list of best environmental practices and include:
Achieving a waste diversion rate of 60% through composting and recycling
Using 100% renewable energy through the Silicon Valley Clean Energy
Installing 29 Level-2 EV charging stations and 1 Level-3 fast charger
Encouraging and measuring that 26% of its students, “roll” into school daily through bikes, scooter or skateboard
Replacing old, inefficient portables with a LEED Gold certified building in 2017
Being a Achieving Green Business Certification annually since 2010.
Many of the accomplishments listed were driven by the enthusiastic and high-impact LAHS Green Team, the student-run volunteer group we are fortunate to have worked with over the years on various programs including the ReCycle Bike Drive, the anti-idling and 500 trees campaigns. Congratulations!