by Gary Hedden
GreenTown led another fun Winter Solstice Night Bike Ride – our fourth. No rain, not too cold and the lights on Christmas Tree Lane were terrific, as always. We even heard some great caroling by a group going house to house.
We had 44 riders, including one girl who had just turned three. Lucky her, she got pulled along in a bike cart. Everyone enjoyed the ride and one person thanked us, saying “I would never be out here at night by myself.” Another commented that the ride really helps her get into the holiday spirit. We stopped for hot chocolate at Starbucks near Stanford and headed back to Los Altos taking the bike path by Gunn High School. Thanks to our sweeper Arnold Ambiel, and our GreenTown assistants Linda Gass, Rob Steiner, John and Maddy McBirney, and Suzanne Ambiel, we were in good hands and had a delightful and safe trip.
See you next year!

Getting started at Peet’s.

Carolers on Christmas Tree Lane.

A photo stop on the way home.
