The reviews are in and are ever changing. At this point there's a mixed bag on the reporting about gas stoves in general, but most recently (and revelatory) by the SJ Mercury News.
“Gas stoves may be more damaging than thought”
On Jan. 28, 2022, the SJ Mercury News reported on a new Stanford University study published Jan. 22, 2022. The report concludes that gas stoves are even more damaging to the environment than previously thought.
The study measured the amount of methane leaks from stoves that were turned off, something the government has heretofore not accounted for. The study states, “Even when not running, U.S. gas stoves are putting 2.6 million tons of methane – in CO2e, into the air each year.
That’s the equivalent to the annual amount of greenhouse gases from 500,000 cars”
The Mercury also noted “Natural gas appliances are generally more energy and cost effective than their electric counterparts.”
GreenTown Los Altos takes issue with that comment as:
the provider of that quote was Frank Maisano, someone who represents gas interests
that statement is simply not true.
Anyone who's studied heat pumps as replacements to their gas furnaces or water heaters knows that heat pumps offer up to 300 times better efficiency than their gas counter parts. Read the article about the study published by Stanford here.