Home electrification is trending. Which is why this tour is perfectly timed.
Check out an array of homes on a FREE Electric Home Tour, open house style. See why people are switching from using gas appliances to cleaner, healthier, and safer electric alternatives. Visit a few or as many as you have time for.
More than 40 homeowners from Brisbane to Morgan Hill are opening their homes on Saturday October 14, 2023 to display the electric appliances and equipment they have installed to replace methane gas powered products. The free Electric Home Tour will take place from 10AM to 4PM. The tour is free but requires advance registration here: https://bit.ly/elec-home
Tour goers will have the opportunity to see energy-efficient heat pump water heaters, heat pumps for heating and air conditioning, induction cooktops, electric fireplaces, electric vehicles, EV chargers, garden equipment, and more. Homeowners and student assistants will be on hand to share information about how to switch out of methane gas (so-called “natural gas”) to improve a home’s comfort and indoor air quality. For more information visit ElectricHomeTour.org.
Tour Details
When: Saturday October 14, 2023, 10AM - 4PM
Where: more than 40 private homes across the Peninsula and South Bay
Cost: Free, but advance registration required by October 12, 2023 (bit.ly/elec-home)
Addresses of homes on the tour will be emailed to registered tour goers a few days before the tour.
Homeowners and student assistants will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about available rebates.
The tour is sponsored by Peninsula Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy and the City of Palo Alto.