Inspire our community to learn more about the health and environmental impacts of unsustainable practices such as using plastic for items that can be made from more earth-friendly materials such glass, metal, wood and natural fibers
Provide practical solutions for reducing waste to our residents, schools, and businesses
Facilitate proper recycling when no other option is available to reuse items
Educate families on the health and environmental effects from chemically-derived materials in packaging, furniture, clothing, toys, etc. and suggest ways to minimize such harms
Share resources so we all can become better stewards of local natural resources
Advocate for local and state policies and legislation that help us meet our goal of moving toward zero waste living
About two thirds of all the plastic ever produced has been released into the environment and remains there as: ocean debris, micro- or nanoparticles in air and agricultural soils, microfibers in water supplies, or microparticles in human bodies
There are affordable, reasonable changes we can make as individuals, families, and as a community that will improve our environment and reduce our health risks from the chemicals we are exposed to from plastic
The majority of plastic waste (and essentially all single-use plastic) cannot be recycled, despite the “chasing arrows” imprint on the bottom
In 2020, California became the first US state to enact a recycled content requirement for plastic beverage container! The first benchmark is to reach 15% recycled content by 2022, on the way to a 50% requirement by 2030