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  • Margie Suozzo

Welcome GreenTown’s 2020 Summer Interns!

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Welcome to our 2020 Summer Interns! It’s an unusual year with no in-person activities like bike valet or tabling at the Farmer Market but we’re making it work. On Zoom! We are thrilled to have our interns contributing to GreenTown’s social media marketing presence, our 500 Trees campaign, and researching recommendations on climate action for Los Altos.  Learn more about them below.


Social Media/Marketing. I have grown up in Los Altos for the majority of my life and was first introduced to environmental awareness from the Walk or Wheel (WoW!) campaign that was implemented at my elementary school (shoutout to Margie!). I did not grow up in a household where being conscious of the environment was a priority, so my exposure to the reality of environmental issues came from school and the Internet. It wasn’t until my sophomore year of high school where I became more passionate about it and wanted to make a difference in my community through climate policy advocacy. In the future, I hope to study Environmental Sciences or Environmental Economics and Policy.If were to pick three words that describe me, I would choose “passionate”, “observant”, and “eco-friendly”. One of the many reasons that I want to sustain a habitable planet is because of my love for the outdoors.  If I could wave a magic wand and help the planet, I would have the government prioritize the use of renewable energies and the health of Americans by defunding the fossil fuel industry.


Social Media/Marketing. I am a rising sophomore at Los Altos High School. After attending the COP24 conference in Poland, I discovered my passion for environmental justice and education. In Poland, I learned how powerful education and awareness can be in a community, so I want to raise more awareness in my community regarding the climate crisis so that members are more aware of the impacts of their actions. I play water polo and swim on my school’s team, and in my free time, I love to bake, play my guitar, and read. I am super excited to be working with GreenTown this summer! My all time favorite book is Turtles All the Way Down by John Green. I love this book because it provides a unique perspective into the mental health issues that many teens live with. If I had to choose one passion, I think it would pertain to education, as I am a firm believer that education is a catalyst for social change.


Social Media/Marketing. Growing up in a green family, I was

exposed to the practices of recycling, composting, and saving energy, food, and water from a young age. As a result, I learned to opt for the most sustainable actions and practices throughout my life, as well as trying to convince my peers to do the same. Taking AP Environmental Science further taught me about all aspects of the environment, and after learning about the true impact of common actions (such as driving everywhere, sending recyclable or compostable waste to landfills, etc.) on the environment, I became focused on promoting sustainability with renewed dedication. A few more things about me: If I could be anywhere other than here, I would be in Mexico City, visiting with my cousins and enjoying the sights and sounds of this bustling Latin American metropolis. Someone I admire is my track coach, because his method of coaching is thorough, yet relaxed and fun. As such, it allows us to grow both as athletes and as individuals. And if I could wave a magic wand and help the planet, I would put recycling and compost bins in every populated area in the entire world, with diagrams on what goes in which bins

and enforcement of proper waste disposal.


Climate Action. My family moved to Los Altos when I was 3, after the birth of my younger sister. I grew up in a household that cared deeply about the environment, which is definitely a reason why I am so passionate about environmental issues and our impact on the planet. It was in Junior year of high school that I decided I wanted to study Environmental Studies. After graduating from Los Altos High School in 2019, I went to Boston College, but realized that I wanted to go to a school that prioritized sustainability as much as I do. Starting in the fall, I will be transferring to UC Davis, where I will be majoring in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning. If I were to pick three words that describe me, I think I would choose “passionate”, “creative” and “headstrong”. Though a lot of the latter part of my personality is focused on my love for our planet, one thing that not many people know about me that also brings out those traits in me is my love for music. I play the drums, which many people would never guess. I am also an avid reader, and my favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut, and my favorite book is his Slaughterhouse Five. If I could wave a magic wand and make one wish to help our planet, I believe mine would be that big industries and corporations prioritized protecting the environment over increasing their wealth and profit.

unger sister.


500 Trees. I am a graduate of Los Altos High School and I am part of the MVLA Scholars programwhich helps first-generation college students from Mountain View and Los Altos. I am currently attending San Jose State University and I am going to be a sophomore in the fall. I am majoring in Biology with plans of going into the medical field.My favorite plant would be the sunflower because that was the first ever plant I planted. I planted it at home with my parents for a school project in elementary school. If I could be anywhere I would like to be in Barcelona, Spain because my favorite soccer team plays in that city. I also want to get to know new places around the world and this would definitely be a great place to visit.  And my favorite book isThere Thereby Tommy Orange because it made me aware of the hardships that Native Americans face in their everyday life. If I could wave a magic wand and help the planet I would end deforestation because it is one of the many things that accelerates climate change on our planet.


500 Trees. I am a current second year, going on third year at the University of Californ ia Riverside.I was raised in Mountain View and later on moved to SoCal for college. I am a Sociology major and I love everything people related. I think three words that those close to me would use to describe me are loyal, funny, and friendly. I’m always open to meeting new people and definitely like to make a good first impression. I think relationships with people definitely define who we become so it’s good to have a good balance of people in your life. If I had to choose one passion to pursue, I would choose music. I think being a producer is such an amazing job and if it was possible I would pursue that. The person I admire the most is definitely my mom because she has sacrificed so much and given so much away that I don’t even know where to start in repaying her. She motivates everything I do and is the highlight of my accomplishments. If I could wave a magic wand I would definitely want to make everyone educated about the torment our planet is going through. I think a lack of education is part of the driving force behind the lack of action in saving our planet.


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