For 2023, GreenTown Los Altos is offering 4 paid internships in 2 project areas.
Each internship is for 10 hours/week for 6 weeks at $17.20/hour.
Electrify Your Home, A Guide
Eating Green, A Cookbook
Application for 2023 summer internships is now closed!
Please check back with us in early spring 2024 for next year's internship opportunities
Key Dates:
The application is due April 28.
Interviews will be scheduled May 8-12.
Candidate selections will be announced May 19.
The internships start June 12 and end July 21.
Additional Details:
The ideal candidate will be a rising junior or senior high school student passionate about environmental issues.
The skills required are effective communication, good research skills, good time management and familiarity with the preparation of documents, spreadsheets and slides.
Interns must be willing to work as a team.
Interns must be able to work with minimal supervision.
The work will generally be from home.
There will be weekly zoom meetings with a GreenTown mentor. The Electrify Your Home mentors are Gary Hedden & Connie Miller, and the Eating Green Cookbook mentor is Glenda Chang.
The internship will culminate in a slide show presentation to the GreenTown Board on the summer accomplishments.
1 - Electrify Your Home, A Guide
Two interns will work on creating a guide that helps homeowners learn about the benefits of electrification and how they can go about Electrifying their home. The work will include:
Research: resources (online and other) from various organizations (ex: BayREN, FFBSV, SVCE, PCE etc.)
Review the City of Los Altos CAAP’s strategy for electrification
Organize: Gather and categorize resources from getting started to advanced.
Case Study: Interview one or more homeowners that have electrified their home to learn about and document the conversion process.
Expert Interviews: Speak with experts from SVCE and others to understand key homeowner pain points,
Guide: Create a guide that serves as a map that a homeowner can use to navigate the conversion process
Document & Share: Create a blog post summarizing your work and optionally create a social media campaign to share the work.
2 - Eating Green Cookbook
Want to be a cook, social media influencer, advocate for the environment and have fun this summer? GreenTown is looking for two open minded and enthusiastic interns to help influence the community about the value of eating green. These interns will work together as a team.
The work will include:
Plan several eating green recipes that are yummy and practical. Compile these into a cookbook.
Cook these dishes to try them out and post on social media.
Research and interview several eating green experts to add a section in the cookbook about meat and dairy substitutes and other useful tips
Recruit local restaurants to measure the carbon footprint of the dishes on their menus.
Work on the look-and-feel, format and layout of the cookbook.
Promote eating green in the community through events such as the farmer’s market.
Develop a plan to promote the cookbook.