On the morning of Sept. 17, 2016, GreenTown Los Altos volunteers contributed to the County’s Coastal Cleanup Day effort, organized by the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
From less than a mile of Permanente Creek behind Heritage Oaks Park, about 30 volunteers removed 8.4 pounds of trash, 13.4 pounds of glass, 3.4 pounds of mixed recyclables, and 4.2 pounds of compostable materials.
Special thanks to Christina Cerny, , Girl Scout troop leader, a
nd Brownies of Troop 61172 for their efforts.
Countywide, in just 3 hours, a record number of 1,883 volunteers cleaned 60.75 miles of our local waterways and removed 55,010 pounds of trash. That’s the weight of 19 Prius cars! They also removed 6,442.7 pounds of recyclables that did not end up in landfill.
Special thanks to Joanne McFarlin of GrassRoots Ecology for the educational
and engaging Enviroscape activity.
