You Can Receive Up to $8,000 in Rebates for Upgrading Your Gas Water Heater or Heating and Cooling System
Other rebates available for upgrading electrical panels and other home electrification steps plus more from BayRen and our Federal Government.
Switch from gas to electric appliances through the SVCE FutureFit Homes Program.
Get rebates on: ✅Heat Pump Water Heaters ✅Heat Pump Heating and Cooling ✅Pre-Wiring for electric appliances ✅Main panel upgrade
Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) customers can receive up to $8,000 in rebates for replacing a gas water heater and gas furnace with efficient, electric heat pump appliances through the FutureFit Homes Program.
Gas water heaters and furnaces are typically a home’s biggest source of emissions and contribute to poor air quality in our community. Replacing gas appliances with electric avoids emissions without compromising comfort. Take advantage of the SVCE FutureFit Homes Program and begin your journey to an emissions-free home.
Learn more at https://svcleanenergy.org/home-rebates/
Combine these rebates with additional rebates and tax credits from those available through the Federal IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) programs for even more savings. Learn more about the IRA Tax Credits and Rebates by downloading the fact sheet here.