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Reach Codes 2.0: Ways To Learn And Get Involved

Connie Miller

Los Altos passed its first version of Reach Codes two years ago. These greenhouse gas reducing improvements to the building code update every three years.

The cycle is starting now for Reach Codes 2.0, which would be implemented in January 2023. Regional utilities are working on producing a unified code that all cities can adopt to address climate change by reducing methane (natural gas) use. Los Altos is considering updating their current Reach Codes to be more aligned to the Bay Area regional code which we expect to be fully defined late this month.

There are several ways to learn the facts and get involved.

  1. Read the Executive Summary (or more) of Los Altos’ Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.

  2. Watch the webinar the Environmental Commission has on the subject.

  3. Attend the special session where the Environmental Commission discusses Reach Codes 2.0 with the Los Altos City Council meeting. We expect this meeting to take place on July 12th, but the calendar has yet to be confirmed.

  4. Email us at if you want to be involved in helping to get these important Reach Codes passed. It could take no more than a few minutes of your time and contribute greatly to reducing Los Altos’ greenhouse gasses.

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