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  • Cheryl Weiden

Step Up to Support Climate Action in Los Altos! Make Your Voice Heard.

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

The Los Altos City Council is now considering building electrification Reach Codes. These upgrades to the California state building codes are important for the future of our health, our families and our planet. The topic is complicated and there is lots of misinformation. We need your help to get the Reach Code passed. Please read why we support Reach Codes and how you can show your support below. You can also visit the City of Los Altos’ Information Page on Reach Codes. 

Why we support Reach Codes

  1. Reach Codes help our community meet its climate goals. 

  2. Reach Codes mean healthier buildings.

  3. Reach Codes result in buildings that cost less and work great!

  4. Reach Codes have lots of support. We’re in good company!

How you can support Reach Codes and a better future

We encourage you to take the following steps to let the City Council know that you support their efforts to protect Los Altos families and reduce carbon emissions for future generations.  

  1. Complete the City survey here before May 30th to show you are in favor of Reach Codes.

  2. Write to City Council at by Friday, May 8 to express your support for Reach Codes. A sample letter is below.

  3. Attend one or more of the following important meetings and voice your support (details for watching and submitting comments at these live meetings will be on the City’s website a few days before the actual meetings):

  4. May 11 – Environmental Commission – 7pm

  5. May 12 – City Council – 7pm

  6. June 1 – City Council – 7pm

  7. Write a Letter to the Editor to the Los Altos Town Crier (200 word maximum). Email

Questions? Feel free to contact us at


Want more details? Read more here….

Reach Codes help our community meet its climate goals.

  1. Buildings are the second largest source of Los Altos’ greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and most of those emissions come from natural gas. Shifting from natural gas to electric will reduce our community’s carbon emissions, especially since our power provider, SVCE delivers 100% carbon-free electricity.

  2. The proposed Reach Codes apply only to new construction – about 40 homes per year. To capture the significant GHG reduction potential in existing homes, GreenTown would like to see the Council also address fossil fuel use in major remodels and additions.

Reach Codes mean healthier buildings.

  1. All electric buildings are far healthier than buildings with gas appliances (see story by Donna Staton, MD on our Board).

  2. They eliminate gas combustion by-products, like carbon monoxide, resulting in healthier indoor air for our families and reduce the risk of a San Bruno-type disaster.

Reach Codes result in buildings that cost less and work great!

  1. California Energy Commission (CEC) found that an all-electric reach code for new construction is cost-effective in our area. Furthermore, natural gas transmission costs continue to increase as natural gas use declines from its peak usage in 2012.

  2. Electric appliances and equipment for water heating, space heating, laundry and cooking, required by Reach Codes, are proven technologies that are highly efficient and work great. Even celebrity chefs, like Thomas Keller of The French Laundry and Wolfgang Puck of Spago, use induction cooktops. They are safer, healthier, more efficient and heat up faster than gas cooktops!

Reach Codes have lots of support. We’re in good company!

  1. More than 30 Bay area cities are committed to Reach Codes, including nearby neighbors in Palo Alto, Mountain View, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, San Jose, Saratoga and Cupertino. See the list of Santa Clara County cities.

  2. Environmental groups, in addition to GreenTown, including Los Altos Youth Climate Action Team, Los Altos High School Green Team, Sierra Club, Mothers-Out-Front, 350SV, and Acterra, all support Reach Codes.


Here’s the sample letter to email to :

SUBJECT: I Support Reach Codes Honorable Members of the Council,

Thank you for your leadership in advancing building electrification Reach Codes for Los Altos.

I support Reach Codes for the following reasons:

1) Reach Codes support our community’s climate goals. They will reduce Los Altos’ carbon footprint from buildings – the second largest contributor to our community’s greenhouse gas emissions – because unlike natural gas, our electricity from SVCE, is 100% carbon-free.

2) Reach Codes will result in healthier buildings. They reduce gas combustion by-products providing healthier indoor air for our families and reduce our community’s risk of a San Bruno-type disaster.

3) Reach Codes save money. The CEC has demonstrated that Reach Codes are cost-effective for consumers, so homeowners in our community will realize energy and cost-savings from all-electric homes.

Thank you for your efforts to protect the health and well-being of our community and our planet. Please vote for Reach Codes when they come before the Council.


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