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Thank You Margie Suozzo, Our Environmental Hero Of The Year!

Kris Jensen

Thank you for making our fall fundraiser, the Future is Now, such a success! We didn’t know what to expect doing a virtual fundraiser but knew our supporters would come through, and because of you we exceeded our goals for the night raising close to $20,000. Thanks too to our amazing sponsors for the evening, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Los Altos Community Investments, Mission Trail Waste Systems, Zoom Media, and Connie Miller and Present.

For most of us, the highlight of the night was recognizing the inimitable Margie Suozzo as our Environmental Hero of the Year. Margie’s involvement with GreenTown goes back to the very beginning of the organization. She and Kacey Fitzpatrick met at a Sierra Club Cool Cities meeting in 2007 and that was the start.

Kacey puts it well when she says, “Margie was an amazing partner and co-conspirator… and she is one of those people who lights up a room when she walks into it, making others feel good, always with a great smile, a laugh, a sparkle and endless wisdom.”

Arnold Ambiel, former GreenTown board president, said, “Margie has always been one of the ‘go to’ people due to her deep understanding of environmental issues and the science behind them. Always positive, always helpful and always encouraging.”

GreenTown supporter Don Bray adds his twist, “It was garbage that first brought us together in the early GreenTown days. What’s better than replacing heavy recyclables boxes with big rolling carts? Or saving food waste in your kitchen so you can throw it on top of your yard clippings? Margie sold these new ideas to the City, and did so with a smile. Mission Trail got the new waste contract, the landfill diversion rate went up, and we now have fewer back aches. Thank you, Margie!”

It's been an honor for each of us to work with and learn from Margie. We’re grateful for her and look forward to many more years “making good trouble” as the late John Lewis would say. Thank you Margie!

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