Lunch with GreenTown concluded a successful five-week run with ten talks on environmental topics of interest. Here is the list and you can watch the recordings:
Here are highlights of the talks and links to the individual videos!
Energy Efficient Lifestyles - Connie Miller talks about energy efficient, all-electric buildings. Steve Schmidt tells us how to cut your greenhouse gases. Together, they show it is possible to lower your carbon footprint and have a great life.
Good Urban Design - Alison Hicks describes good and bad urban design, and shows us the difference.
Let's Bike - Shiloh Ballard gives us lots of promising ideas to get more people on bikes.
All About Trash - Louie Pelligrini with Mission Trail Waste Systems brings us up to date with the latest on trash and recycling in Los Altos.
Hidden Villa and Regenerative Agriculture - Find out about environmentally-friendly practices at Hidden Villa with Jason McKenney.
The Green Team and More - The Los Altos High School Green Team does so much, and The Los Altos Environmental Commission is in for a big year.
The Future of Food - Isabelle and Peter Cnudde tell us about plant-based eating, why it is important and why it is good for you and the planet.
Can Art Change Our Environmental Consciousness - Local artist Linda Gass shows us that art can change our environmental consciousness. Find out how and get inspired.
The Future of Water - Julie Noblitt talks about the future of water and the circular economy. There is a connection.
Cover Cropping - Master Gardeners Lisa and Kathleen Putnam talk about Cover Crops. The message is simple, get roots in the ground and your garden will thank you.