News from the Santa Clara Valley Water District
Did you know that it takes over 713 gallons of water to produce one cotton T-shirt? That’s equivalent to about 14 bathtubs full of water.
The record-breaking dry year we have had is a great reminder that we live in a semi-arid climate, and conservation is essential to meeting our current and future water needs not only during summer months, but also in the fall.
Landscaping normally needs only half of the water it does during the summer. This means if you water 48 minutes per week in summer, the same plants only need 24 minutes of watering time in the fall. In December, you may be able to turn off your irrigation system completely until mid-March.
In this month’s issue, join us for upcoming board workshops on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan, take a virtual tour of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center, learn about the county’s Green Business Program, read about the $30 million grant from the Department of Water Resources, and read more about the recently signed Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan.
Finally, if you are out and about in downtown San Jose tomorrow, please join us in launching the “Water 2 Go” program. This important collaborative between the water district, county, and FIRST 5 will make safe, clean and healthful tap water more accessible.
As always, we look forward to continuing to provide you with timely information and invite your feedback about water-related issues of importance to you and our county.
Teresa Alvarado Deputy Administrative Officer