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Suresh Venkatraman

Our 2022 Interns Delivered!

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

Their Work Will Grow A Better Future

As part of GreenTown's goals regarding planting more trees locally, two of our four summer interns Farida and Ellie, created a roadmap to a Tree Master Plan that you can view here as a file. The Los Altos Climate Action and Adaptation Plan, approved this year, sets an ambitious target of bringing the city to carbon neutrality by 2035. One goal is planting 10,000 trees but Los Altos doesn't have a Tree Master Plan, something that would help achieve that goal. Our two interns set out to discover what a Tree Master Plan includes and what it will take to create a good one. Working with the Environmental Commission, researching best practices elsewhere and interviewing a wide-range of experts, they came up with a great roadmap.

Say NO to Thirsty Landscapes

Thanks to our two other summer interns who worked on determining what it takes to convert lawns and pools to drought tolerant landscapes.

Step 1: Assess. Make a plan before you start. Check out design templates, guides and other resources at Landscape Guides & Resources at Santa Clara Valley Water here. Need a hand to get you started? Email GreenTown.

Step 2: Apply for up to $4500 in rebates. It's easy and you don't have to be tied down to the requirements! CalWater and ValleyWater provide extensions and can work with you on some of the requirements if you ask.

Step 3: Remove your lawn or pool. Some homeowners do their own work, others hire landscapers.

Step 4: Plant. Select your plants and lay them out. See what your neighbors have done using this map and check out GreenTown's resources here.


Watch the final intern presentation here.


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