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What’s Your FOODprint?

Margie Suozzo

Updated: Sep 11, 2020

Interested in knowing how what you eat impacts the environment? Find out the size of your foodprint by watching this video and taking this quiz from

Then try these on for size for some ways to reduce it!

  1. The Joyful Vegan’s cooking classes. The Joyful Vegan, who GreenTown hosted in Jan. 14th continues to offer online cooking classes. The next one is June 7, 2020 at noon. She’ll be featuring a Mexican menu: sweet potato tacos, peach salsa and horchata. Yum! Register here!

  2. Let’s talk yogurt. The Minimalist Baker has tips and tricks for making coconut yogurt including the best brands of coconut milk and probiotics to use! View her video here. GreenTown’s Isabelle Cnudde who also started Clorofil, a local animal microsanctuary, has been using quarantine to teach folks some plant-based recipes including a yogurt made with cashews and soy milk. You can see her cooking videos here.

  3. Podcast for the planet. Climate One’s podcast – Rewind: Fate of Food/Plate to Planet –  examines the question: “How can we continue to feed a crowded planet without destroying it in the process?” Host Greg Dalton interviews authors Anne Lappe and Mark Kurlansky here.

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