Do you care about clean air?? If so, Greentown Los Altos has an easy way for you to do your part. Help GreenTown eliminate gas-powered leaf blowers from the City of Los Altos.
This polluting equipment does more damage than most people realize. According to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, “For the best-selling commercial leaf blower, one hour of operation emits smog-forming pollution comparable to driving a 2017 Toyota Camry about 1100 miles, or approximately the distance from Los Angeles to Denver.”
In order to educate people, we have printed information to distribute to residents and landscape providers. If you hand a message to the blower operator when you see a gas-powered leaf blower in use, you can help us make a difference. To get a copy, send an email and we will deliver materials to your home.
Good news from our code enforcement officer: gas leaf blowers are now on the list of complaints that can be emailed to the City on the City Code Enforcement complaint form on this page.
Info on leaf blowers.
Letter to gardeners in English
Letter to gardeners in Spanish is below.
Here’s what the letter says:
Landscape Service Provider,

Using a gas leaf blower is prohibited in Los Altos.
Los Altos Municipal Code 6.16.070 prohibits the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers at all times.
The operator of the gas-powered leaf blower will receive an Administrative Citation of the following amounts.
1st violation in 12-month period – $100
2nd violation in a 12-month period – $200
Additional violations in a 12-month period – $500
Gas leaf blowers create lots of pollution and they can make you sick. They make the air unhealthy for many hours after the blower is used.
Proveedor de servicios de jardinería,
En Los Altos, es prohibido usar un soplador de hojas a gas.
El código municipal 6.16.070 de Los Altos prohíbe el uso de sopladores de hojas a gasolina en todo momento.
El operador del soplador de hojas a gas recibirá una citación administrativa (multa) de las siguientes cantidades.
Primera violación en un período de 12 meses – $ 100
Segunda violación en un período de 12 meses – $ 200
Violaciones adicionales en un período de 12 meses – $ 500
Los sopladores de hojas de gas generan mucha contaminación y pueden enfermar a la gente. Hacen que el aire no sea saludable durante muchas horas después de que se usa el soplador.
