On Monday, November 14, Mike Barnes, Co-Chair of the GreenTown Los Altos Business Co-Op, presented information to the Los Altos Environmental Commission regarding Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) food containers and the GreenTown Co-Op’s efforts to reduce the use of these containers for carry out foods. See Mike’s presentation.
The Environmental Commission is currently researching the problems with Expanded Polystyrene food containers and the efforts by jurisdictions throughout California to restrict the use of EPS as a food container. Mike’s presentation focused on both the health considerations with EPS containers and the growing concern with the litter problem and the expense to clean up EPS particles from highways, waterways and the Bay. He briefed the Environmental Commission on the efforts of the GreenTown Los Altos Co-op to provide compostable alternatives at competitive pricing for Los Altos businesses, schools and congregations and concluded with a recommendation to the Commission that it is time for Los Altos to join the 45 other jurisdictions in California that have banned EPS as a food container. The Environmental Commission plans to continue discussion of this issue in the December meeting.
For more information, view the presentation or contact coop@greentownlosaltos.org.
