~by Margie Suozzo
I had the great pleasure of meeting Jo, our new intern, in early October. She will be working with the Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention Team for 4, 2-week blocks throughout the school year. She just finished her first block and was excited to get going. Jo shares a bit of her story of the factors that contributed to her passion for protecting the environment:
As a child during one of the worst droughts in California history, I’ve always been aware and concerned about the environment. But it wasn’t until I went to Costa Rica on a volunteering trip during the summer of 2018 that I knew for sure that the environment needed to be a top priority in my life. I was inspired by what I saw there. We stayed in a small town of coffee farmers, and they were doing all they could to be as ecological and environmentally friendly as possible. Even going so far as to build their own recycling center. I took that mentality home with me, and as a result, my family and I became much more aware of and involved in environmental issues.
Well, we’re happy you did Jo. Our first two weeks were a rousing success! The Waste Reduction Team looks forward to working together the rest of the year!
