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GreenTown Energy Day at the Farmer’s Market

GreenTown Los Altos hosted an Energy Day at the Farmers’ Market, August 14. It was

a chance to promote the latest in good energy saving practices in solar, electric vehicles and home energy efficiency.

Energy Day Sign

Our fearless leader, Mike McTighe and the Energy Day sign

Mike Balma with SunWork, a local non-profit solar installation company explained

that it can make sense even for homes with low energy bills. If you have sun on your

roof, you should consider solar. His work is featured in a January blog post.

Waidy Lee brought her RAV 4. She has been driving electric cars for 15 years and

said, “I have never run out of charge!” Joel Bartlett showed off his brand new BMW i3,

introduced just this year. He got the range extender, so he can drive to San Francisco

and back without stopping for a charge.


Looking at a map of available plug share stations.

Patti Sexton with Acterra showed off updated versions of LEDs. These lights keep

getting better and the cost keeps coming down. With their 20-year life, the life time

operating cost easily beats conventional bulbs. See an earlier blog post for some good

information. Patti and Lisa Dorn, also with Acterra, told visitors about Green@Home. This program

looks at your energy use and suggests changes that will save you energy and money.


LEDs are SO easy to light up!

Check it out here.

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