We’re all about shrinking our collective carbon footprint (we even have an evening event about it which you can register for here) which is why finding these rebates felt like serendipity!
Do you know that there are many sources of FREE Money and FREE Services to help you increase your home’s energy efficiency, save money, and reduce your carbon footprint?
Thanks to crownthecrowd rebates for the following list:
US Department of Energy Home Energy Score Provides homeowners, buyers, and renters directly comparable and credible information about a home’s energy use. Like miles-per-gallon rating for a car, but energy versus gasoline. There’s a $200 rebate towards Home Energy Score
Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) Up to $5000 in rebates for eligible energy efficiency upgrades such as insulation, and high efficiency furnaces and water heaters
Pacific Gas and Electric Rebates $50 rebate for a smart thermostat that replaces a manually operated thermostat $50 rebate for smart thermostat that replaces a programmable thermostat $300 rebate for high-efficiency electric pump storage water heater Up to $5000 in rebates for energy efficient upgrades that lead ro minimum 10% energy savings
California Energy Commission Askdrpower.com Easiest Way to Save on Electric Bill No hardware installation or purchases & few lifestyle changes as possible Available as an app or on web browser
HomeIntel Audit funded by Pacific Gas and Electric Services are no cost Focuses on reducing energy & utility bills throughout the year through simplest possible steps for each unique home
The following two offers have income caps:
Sacred Heart Community Energy Service FREE house energy analysis from specialists who assess energy saving opportunities FREE energy-efficiency upgrades, including the possibility of big ticket items
PGE Energy Savings Assistance Program FREE house call from energy specialists to assess energy savings opportunities FREE energy-saving upgrades, including the possibility of bit ticket items ·
